Black History Month 2023

Ace Programme

Ace Programme are a UK based charity dedicated to supporting diverse cricket talent from the grassroots to elite.

In pursuit of promoting meaningful content for their social media platform they needed a strategy to implement throughout the year to create awareness for the programme and increase participation.

Design Services: Graphic Design, Social Media

The founder of ACE Programme is former English cricket player Ebony Rainford-Brent and as the theme for Black History Month 2023 was Saluting Our Sisters, it was a peferct opportunity to spotlight the achievements of Black women in sport within the UK.

Together with ACE we chose 5 influential Black British women in sport to highlight on their Instagram account.

I designed the graphics for the social media posts which were scheduled to be released every week in the month of October for Black History Month #BHM23

The campaign reached a wider audience and engaged with social media users who weren’t necessarily following ACE.

It was definitely one of the most rewarding projects I have worked on. Learning about these incredible women, their contribution to sport and the community is nothing short of inspiring.


Golden Mile Project